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Car Seat Mistakes You May Be Making

Facebook Twitter Pinterest InstagramHere is a sobering truth: every day we lose 4 to 5 children in car crashes. They are the leading cause of death for kids in this country and yet most of us are completely untrained in the best way to keep our kids safe from them: by canada goose outlet online uk properly installing a car seat. But, don’t beat yourself up. What looks like just another piece of shiny, plastic baby gear is actually a sophisticated and complicated piece of safety engineering, and sometimes it takes an engineering degree to use it properly. So we spoke with three car seat safety professionals to find out canada goose outlet shop what we’re doing wrong and how to do it right.Read canada goose outlet toronto factory theNew AAP Car Seat canada goose outlet store uk Safety Guidelinesto canada goose outlet new https://www.getcanadagooseoutlet.com york city be sure your child hasthe proper protection.Mistake 1: Picking the wrong seat for your child’s age, heightor weight»A lot parents try their best, and still can’t figure this out,» says Lorrie Walker, training manager and technical advisor for Safe Kids Worldwide. «Others may be thinking they can stretch an infant seat until they need a canada goose outlet online booster and save a little money.» But while there is no link between the cost of the car seat and its effectiveness, take the time you need to make sure you have the right seat for your child.The fix:1. Research seats to find one that fits your child’s age, weightand height.2. Check the manual canada goose outlet uk sale and measure your child’s growth periodically so you know when it’s time to move on.3. Follow the new American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines on how long to keep your child rear facing.4. Never buy a used seat. There’s no way to know for sure if it has been in an accident, and even seats that have been in canada goose outlet sale the family may be missing parts,or expired. Car seats canada goose jacket outlet generally have expiration dates six years after manufacturing.Mistake 2: Not installing your car seat correctlyCar seat canada goose outlet black friday safety professionals will tell you they see a lot of car seats installed incorrectly, and very few done right. That means most of us are driving around town with seats that could be more dangerous than not using one at all.The most common mistakes Hoffman, Baer, and Walker see are:1. Routing seatbelts incorrectly2. Not putting seatbelts in lock mode3. Using both the lower anchors of the LATCH system and the seatbelt4. Connecting the lower anchors and tethers of the LATCH system to the wrong points in the car, especially cargo hooks5. Forgetting to use the tether at all canada goose outlet canada (See Mistake 6 for more on that)6. Not putting enough weight on the seat as it is being installedFixes1. Read BOTH your car seat’s manual and your car’s manual.2. Decide whether you will use the lower anchors OR a seat belt, and follow the directions for only that method. (The lower anchors are part of the LATCH system, which stands for lower anchors and tethers for children). Once you’ve connected the lower anchor straps, pull the belt tail tightly from the top of the car seat, not the side.3. If you are using seatbelts, figure out if canada goose outlet jackets yours are self locking (they are required to be in any car made since 1997) and, if canada goose outlet store they canada goose outlet are not, very carefully read how to use either the metal locking clip that came with your seat or the seat belt lock off (if there is one) built into the car seat.4. If you are using the lower anchors, make sure you are using the proper anchors for the seat position you have chosen in the car (your car manual will tell you which ones). Many people think their vehicle has lower anchors for the center seat, but most cars don’t. Parents often mistake anchor on the side canada goose outlet reviews seats for ones that belong in the center. Make sure to tighten the straps once the clips are locked into place.5. Know that installing a car seat will take a bit of brute force, so try to put as much of canada goose outlet your weight as possible on the seat as you install it. For rear facing convertibles, try leaning your stomach on the back of the seat; for forward facing, put both of your knees on the seat and then secure it. With your weight on the seat, wiggle the canada goose black friday sale seat down into the cushion. Many installations are easier when done with two people.6. When you’re done, hold the seat where the vehicle or LATCH belt is holding it and really give it a good tug. It should move no more than one inch in any direction (side to side or front to back).7. Keep the instruction manual for the seat in the storage compartment located on the seat (almost all have them). Keep the car manual in your glove compartment so you can always find it.8. Have a professional check your canada goose outlet parka work, even if you’re canada goose outlet nyc pretty sure you did it right.Mistake 3: Not getting professional helpSure, you set up the crib just fine, you put together the bouncy seat, why should the car seat be any different? Well, here’s a hypothetical: would you wire your own house for electricity if you were not a trained electrician? If the canada goose outlet in usa answer is canada goose outlet uk no, you should think twice about assuming you can correctly install a car seat. A car seat, even if it’s covered in pastel teddy bears, is a serious piece of safety equipment. Just like your goose outlet canada car, it has been carefully engineered, based on complex physics and high speed tests, to keep your child safe in an accident. But if this high level piece of safety equipment is improperly installed, all of that work goes right out the window.»There is no reason that any parent should be confident enough in their car seat installation to take a risk on their child’s life,» says Dr. Baer. There’s even less reason to not do it when there are certified technicians all over the country who are easy to find and relatively inexpensive to consult. (Note: Dr. Baer only recommends going to your local police or fire stations, as many parenting books suggest, if they are listed as checkpoints. Even if they only tweak your installation a little the average installation has three errors you can walk away with valuable piece of mind. If they do a complete overhaul on your install job, you will be so grateful they did.Mistake 4: Fitting the harness incorrectlyThink of your child’s car seat as a parachute that slows her fall and cushions her landing in a crash. If you were to jump from a third story window (which is the equivalent impact of a 30 mile an hour crash) a parachute that is snugly attached to your body will bring you to a stop that is as slow and gentle as possible. The same applies to a harness, which should fit very snugly to your child’s body, but rarely does, because most parents worry about their child’s comfort when they snap them in. «Your parenting instinct tells you it will be better canada goose factory outlet loose,» says Dr. Baer. But making it snug is a much safer choice, and not uncomfortable.

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